Department of Sociology

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Fan Huanhuan


Fan Huanhuan  Assistant Professor


PhD, Peking University, 2001

MA, Peking University, 1997

BA, Nankai University, 1994

Research Interest

Family social work,Family sociology,Gender studies,

Visiting Experience

2009.8—2010.8 Department of Human Development and Family Studies in Pennsylvania State University,Visiting Scholar

Selected Publications

Huanhuan Fan. Methodology of family strategy research: an analytical framework of urban and rural families in China. Sociological Research, 2000(5)

Huanhuan Fan. The relationship between researchers and respondents in interviews: the perspective of feminism. Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute, 2005(3)

Huanhuan Fan. Studies on conjugal sex life and marriage relationship during the pregnant and prenatal period. Sexuality Studies in China, 2007(3), Wanyou Press in Taiwan

Huanhuan Fan. Studies of family pressure and social support of urban elderly people with cancer, Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics(Suppl.), 2008.

Huanhuan Fan. The situation of the authoritative filial piety: an analysis of the intergenerational relationship of the families who live together and share child care responsibilities. Academic Forum, 2014(8)

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