
美国德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校Danielle Xiaodan Morales助理教授的人口学讲座

发布时间:2019年11月28日 14:33  发布作者:梁伊绘   点击数:

2019年11月27日,美国德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校Danielle Xiaodan Morales助理教授为我校师生进行人口学讲座,主题是美国同性恋伴侣家庭的地理分布与居住隔离。社会与心理学院人口研究所侯佳伟教授主持,社会与心理学院的人口学硕士研究生、政府管理学院学生、北京外国语大学学生共同参与此系列课程授课。本次活动获得中央财经大学引智项目、青年创新团队项目支持。

Danielle Morales2015年从德州A&M 大学Texas A&M University获得社会学博士学位,然后在美国国家健康基金会的BUILDing SCHOLARS中心进行了两年的博士后研究。作为一名助理教授,她目前就职于德州大学El Paso分校The University of Texas at El Paso的社会与人类学系。Danielle Morales的研究领域包括社会人口学,环境,以及教育。作为一名社会人口学研究者,她对不同人口的居住隔离,进行了大量的研究。在美国,以往的居住隔离的研究都是以种族为核心,而Danielle Morales使用人口普查数据,对美国同性恋群体的地理分布以及居住隔离进行了详细的研究。同时,Danielle Morales及她的研究团队也对美国环境和健康进行了大量研究。特别的,他们关注被以往研究所忽略的群体:性少数群体以及亚裔群体,而他们的研究结果显示,这些被忽视的群体同样也受到致癌性空气污染物的严重影响。

Residential segregation of same-sex partnered households in the US

      Quantitative research on the segregation of same-sex partners in the US is new, and limited by challenges related to the accurate measurement of segregation and data errors. The purpose of this study is to provide a novel approach to re-examine residential segregation between same-sex partners and different-sex partners in the US. Two versions of the dissimilarity index and corrected same-sex partners data from the 2010 decennial census were used. Effects of different geographic scales were examined. Results reveal that the levels of segregation of both male and female same-sex partners were higher at metropolitan- vs state-levels; the levels of segregation was lower when measured using the unbiased as compared to the conventional version of the dissimilarity index; and male same-sex partnered households were more segregated from different-sex partnered households than were female same-sex partnered households. Future studies should be attuned to geographic scale effects and should not ignore the bias of the dissimilarity index. This study provides a better test of the differences between the two versions of the dissimilarity index and contributes to the literature by examining the segregation of both male same-sex partners and female same-sex partners across different geographic scales.



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