Ying Zhang, Ph.D.
AssistantProfessor of Psychology
Department of Psychology at Central University of Finance and Economics
Email : yingzhang_cufe@126.com
Doctor ofPhilosophy (Ph.D.), Freie Universitat Berlin,Germany, 2018
2018 - Now Department of Psychology, CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics
Chen, S.-M., Gao, L., Zhang, Y., & Sun, P.-Z. (2017). SetPoints of Positivity Ratio for Different Levels of Well-Being: A Latent ProfileAnalysis. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 20, 211-220
Zhang, Y., Watermann, R., & Daniel, A (2016). Are MultipleGoals in Elementary Students Beneficial for Their School Achievement? A LatentClass Analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 100-110.
Zhang, Y., Watermann, R. & Daniel, A. (2017, March). The Roleof Achievement Goal Profiles in Predicting School Achievement across theTransition to Secondary School: A Longitudinal Mediation Analysis. Paperpresented at the 5th conference of Empirical Research in Education (GEBF) inHeidelberg, Germany
Zhang, Y. & Watermann, R. (2015, August). Achievement GoalProfiles and School Achievement across the Transition from Elementary toSecondary School: A Person-Centered Approach. Paper presented at the 8th SELFBiennial International Conference in Kiel, Germany
Zhang, Y. & Watermann, R. (2013, September). Achievement Goals and SchoolAchievement in Fourth Graders: A Person-Centered Analysis. Paper presented at the 14th Specialist Group Conferenceof Educational Psychology (PAEPS) in Hildesheim, Germany
张莹参编.中国古代心理学思想, 北京:北京出版社, 2018.
Reviewers of《Learningand Individual Differences》、《Journalof Happiness Studies》