Department of Psychology

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Ma Min


Min Ma, Ph.D.   Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology at CUFE

Research Areas: Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology

Research Interests: Models of Creativity Process,Perfectionism, Materialism, Collective Intelligence.


PhD, University of Antwerp

Master in Education, Beijing Forestry University

Bachelor of Science, Beijing Forestry University  



Min Ma, Dan Feng, & Fei Zi, (2010). A Study of Negative Perfectionism and Mental Health Status on Low-Income Gregarious College Graduates. China Journal of Health Psychology, 18(5), 601-604. [In Chinese]

Min Ma & Fei Zi, (2011). A Qualitative Study on Personality Traits of Negative Perfectionist. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 116-121.

Min Ma & Fei Zi, (2012). Personality traits of negative perfectionist and non-negative perfectionist. Journal of educational science & psychology, 2, 132-137.

Min Ma & Fei Zi, (2015). Life Story of Chinese College Students with Perfectionism Personality: A Qualitative Study Based on a Life Story Model. International education studies, 8(2), 38-49.

Min Ma & Fred Van Oystaeyen. (2015). A Measurable Mathematical Model For Processes. Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications, 34, 11-36.

Min Ma & Fred Van Oystaeyen. (2016). A measurable model of the creative process in the context of a learning process. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(1), 180-191.

Na Zhao, Min Ma, & Jianxin Zhang. (2016). Going beyond the Beauty - Moderating Role of Mood. Current Psychology, DOI 10.1007/s12144-016-9481-8.


Fei Zi, Min Ma, Research on Perfectionism. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House, 2010

Min Ma Compiled chapter 18-26.Career Health Psychology. Editor: Shen Yanying, People’s Health Publisher, 2008.

Conference, Presentations and Workshop

10/2008  A Comparative Study on Personality Traits of Two Types of Perfectionism (Summary)

The 5th World Congress of Psychotherapy, Beijing, China

10/2010  A qualitative study on personality traits of negative perfectionist

Poster presentation at International Conference of Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY), Oct 19-22, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey

03/2012  Creativity strategies: Making it strange

Workshop Speaker at 2012 Georgia association for gifted children conference, March 15-16, Georgia, USA

11/2012  A Theoretical Model of the Creative Process

Poster presentation at international conference of 59th annual NAGC convention and Exhibition, Nov 15-18, 2012, Colorado, Denver, USA

07/2013  Life Story of College Student with Perfectionism Personality

Poster presentation at European Congress of Psychology, 9-12 July 2013, Stockholm, Sweden

10/2011 Workshop: Unlocking Children’s creativity, Oct 6, 2011, Brussels, Belgium

02/2012 Workshop: Torrance test for creative thinking-Verbal, Feb 29, 2012, Georgia, USA

03/2012 Workshop: Torrance test for creative thinking-Figural, Mar 1-3, 2012, Georgia, USA

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