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傅鑫媛  副教授








2019 至今    中央财经大学社会与心理学院心理学系   副教授

2016-2019    中央财经大学社会与心理学院心理学系   讲师
















Li, X., Fu, X.,* Wang, Y., & Liu, C. (2025). Longitudinal relationship between adolescent emotional self-regulation and prosocial behavior toward powerful people: Disentangling between-person differences from within‐person effects. Journal of Adolescence. 97(2), 467-478.

Li, S. #, Fu, X.,# Zhang, M., Fu, R., Zhang, M., & Kou, Y. (2024). Effect of economic inequality on generosity: A social norm perspective. International Journal of Psychology59(6), 801-811.

Zhang, M., Wu, H., Huang, Y., Han, R., Fu, X.,* Yuan, Z., & Liang, S. (2024). Negative news headlines are more attractive: Negativity bias in online news reading and sharing. Current Psychology43(38), 30156-30169.

Fu, X., Fu, R., Li, S., Du, X., Zhang, M., Duan, J., ... & Li, G. (2024). Effects of health-related dispositions on citizens' appraisals toward the COVID-19 pandemic and protective behavior. Plos One19(9), e0305995.

Fu, X., Zhang, M., Zhu, K., Li, S., Fu, R., Zhang, M., ... & Duan, J. (2024). Relations between school climates and bullying behaviors in Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of prosocial tendency. Acta Psychologica248, 104335.

Fu, X., Fu, R., Chang, Y., & Yang, Z. (2024). Bidirectional relationship between adolescent gender egalitarianism and prosocial behavior. Behavioral Sciences14(1), 33.

Fu, X., Zhu, K., Li, S., Zhang, M., Kan, Y., Hu, Z., ... & Zhang, M. (2023). Altruistic behaviour decreases agent's unhealthy food intake: Based on the self-determination theory model of vitality. International Journal of Psychology58(4), 341-350.

Fu, X., Li, S., Shen, C., Zhu, K., Zhang, M., Liu, Y., & Zhang, M. (2023). Effect of prosocial behavior on school bullying victimization among children and adolescents: Peer and student-teacher relationships as mediators. Journal of Adolescence95(2), 322-335.

Xie, Z., Man, W., Liu, C., & Fu, X.* (2023). A PRISMA-based systematic review of measurements for school bullying. Adolescent Research Review8(2), 219-259.

Lv, M., Zhang, M., Huang, N., & Fu, X.* (2023). Effects of materialism on adolescents' prosocial and aggressive behaviors: the mediating role of empathy. Behavioral Sciences13(10), 863.

Yu, X., Fu, X.,* Yang, Z., Zhang, M., Liu, X., Fu, Y., & Lv, Y. (2021). Bidirectional relationship between parental psychological control and adolescent maladjustment. Journal of Adolescence92, 75-85.

Fu, X., Padilla-Walker, L. M., Nielson, M. G., Yuan, M., & Kou, Y. (2021). The Effect of Target's Power on Prosocial Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study. The Journal of Psychology155(1), 115-128.

Fu, X., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Bidirectional relation between paternal/maternal psychological control and adolescent behavioral outcomes. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 1402-1412.

Fu, X., & Padilla-Walker, L. M. (2019). It's much more than money! Relations between adolescents' financial entitlement and behavioral outcomes. The Journal of Early Adolescence39(1), 28-40.

Fu, X., Liu, X., Yang, Y., Zhang, M., & Kou, Y. (2018). The role of relative intrinsic aspirations in Chinese adolescents' prosocial behaviors. Youth & Society50(1), 75-92.

Yang, Z., Fu, X.,* Yu, X., & Lv, Y. (2018). Longitudinal relations between adolescents' materialism and prosocial behavior toward family, friends, and strangers. Journal of Adolescence62, 162-170.

Padilla-Walker, L. M., Nelson, L. J., Fu, X., & Barry, C. M. (2018). Bidirectional relations between parenting and prosocial behavior for Asian and European-American emerging adults. Journal of Adult Development25(2), 107-120.

Fu, X., Lv, Y., Yang, Z., Yu, X., & Wang, R. (2018). Chinese adolescents' power distance value and prosocial behavior toward powerful people: A longitudinal study. PloS one13(12), e0208473.

Fu, X., Padilla-Walker, L. M., & Brown, M. N. (2017). Longitudinal relations between adolescents' self-esteem and prosocial behavior toward strangers, friends and family. Journal of Adolescence, 57, 90-98.

Yang, Y., Li, P., Fu, X., & Kou, Y. (2017). Orientations to happiness and subjective well-being in Chinese adolescents: The roles of prosocial behavior and internet addictive behavior. Journal of Happiness Studies18(6), 1747-1762.

Zhang, L., Kou, Y., Zhao, Y., & Fu, X. (2016). Group boundary permeability moderates the effect of a dependency meta-stereotype on help-seeking behaviour. International Journal of Psychology51(4), 243-251.

Fu, X., Kou, Y., & Yang, Y. (2015). Materialistic values among Chinese adolescents: Effects of parental rejection and self-esteem. Child & Youth Care Forum. 44(1), 43-57.

Wang, J., Fu, X., Zhang, L., & Kou, Y. (2015). The impacts of moral evaluations and descriptive norms on children's and adolescents' tolerance of transgression. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology9(02), 86-96.

Liu, C., Zhang, X., Sun, F., Wang, L., Fu, X., & Zhao, X. (2012). Effect of multiplayer interactive violent video games on players' explicit and implicit aggression. In International Conference on Web-Based Learning (pp. 201-212). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

傅鑫媛, 张梦媛, 王彦, 孙铃. (2024). 大学生跨学科思维培养——以通识课程《心理学与生活》为例. 教育考试与评价, 11, 14-16.

张梅, 傅鑫媛*, 潘霈霖, & 熊任飞. (2023). 绿色消费的“助推器”: 生态标签效应. 应用心理学, 29(1), 20-31.

傅鑫媛, 付若然, 翟若妤, 杜晓娜, 杨菡涤, 李嘉鹏. (2022). 消费者对不同外形人工智能护理产品的敌友态度及使用意愿: 物种主义的作用. 心理技术与应用10(6), 321-329.

, 丁书恒, 刘国芳, 徐亚珍, 傅鑫媛, 张巍, 辛自强. (2021). 网络突发事件中的负性偏向: 产生与表现. 心理学报, 53(12), 1361-1375.

余小霞, 杨之旭, 傅鑫媛, 苑媛. (2021). 父母心理控制与青少年适应不良: 动态关系与文化差异. 心理学进展, 11(10), 2303-2313.

傅鑫媛, 辛自强, 楼紫茜, 高琰. (2019). 基于助推的环保行为干预策略. 心理科学进展, 27(11), 1939-1950.

郭容, 傅鑫媛*. (2019). 社会阶层信号及其对人际水平社会互动的影响. 心理科学进展, 27(7), 1268-1274.

孙冬青, 傅鑫媛, 辛自强. (2018). 信任者权力对其人际信任的影响. 心理与行为研究16(1), 139-144.

傅鑫媛, 邹雅雯, 伍俊辉, 刘小兰. (2018). 祖父母教养方式与初中生学校活动卷入的关系: 物质主义价值观和行为自我调节能力的中介作用. 心理技术与应用6(5), 262-273.

傅鑫媛. (2018). 身份经济学: iPhone品牌的高端与高调. 于泳红, 窦东徽 (编). 经济心理学案例 (pp. 128-135). 北京: 北京师范大学出版社.

傅鑫媛. (2018). 群际信任: 黄怒波冰岛购地开发旅游项目案例分析. 于泳红, 窦东徽 (编). 经济心理学案例 (pp. 160-167). 北京: 北京师范大学出版社.

傅鑫媛, 陆智远, 寇彧. (2018). 社会心理学实验设计教学案例. 见 辛志勇, 赵然 (编). 应用心理教学案例精选 (pp. 164-181).  北京: 北京大学出版社.

傅鑫媛, 方秀英, 寇彧. (2016). 自我控制可以抵御不良示范性规范对初中生环保行为的影响吗?. 心理发展与教育, 32(1), 143-150.

寇彧, 傅鑫媛, 苑明亮, 时嘉惠, 白呈希. (2016). 基于学生需求和学习规律的社会心理学教学改革. 教育研究与实验, (1), 87-90.

艾迪玛, 杨莹, 傅鑫媛, 寇彧. (2016). 亲子依恋对青少年社会支配倾向的影响:相对外在生活目标的中介作用. 青年研究, (5), 1-11.

傅鑫媛, 陆智远, 寇彧. (2015). 陌生他人在场及其行为对个体道德伪善的影响. 心理学报, 47(8), 1058-1066.  

杨晶, 余俊宣, 寇彧, 傅鑫媛. (2015). 干预初中生的同伴关系以促进其亲社会行为. 心理发展与教育31(2), 239-245.  

傅鑫媛, 文佳佳, 寇或. (2014). 大城市职场未婚女性的安全感对其择偶中物质倾向的影响. 心理科学37(4), 950-956.  

陈海平, 傅鑫媛. (2014). 大学通识教育课程的配套建设_以文科学生数理统计课程为例. 中国教师, 4, 50-53.

傅鑫媛. (2013). 死亡恐惧: 未来心不可得. 中国研究生8, 20-21.

陈海平, 傅鑫媛. (2013). 关于文科学生数理统计课学习态度的调查研究. 中国教师, 1, 29-31.

傅鑫媛, 罗晓奕, 麦莉, 寇彧. (2012). 中小学生同伴冲突解决技能的培养. 中国教师, 14, 51-55.

张学民, 刘畅, 张丽娜, 傅鑫媛, 孙发伟, 王浪浪. (2012). 青少年媒体使用习惯与暴力行为倾向调查. 当代青年研究, 11, 21-26.

寇彧, 傅鑫媛, 黄殷, 黄玉, 王锦, 张兰鸽, 张庆鹏, & 冯姬. (2012). 北京市三类儿童青少年对行贿的认知发展. 北京社会科学, 6, 72-80.  


2024年  中央财经大学“优秀教职工”

2019年  中央财经大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目“优秀指导教师”

2019年  中央财经大学涌金奖励基金“优秀教学奖”

2017年  中央财经大学“优秀教职工”



Journal of Adolescence审稿人






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