Weiwei Sun
Dept. of Sociology, School of Sociology and Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China
Medical Sociology (substantive field: mental health study), Family Sociology, Gerontology.
Visiting Scholar
Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical school
Ph.D. Sociology
Department of Sociology
The Chinese University of HongKong, HongKong
2004- 2009
M.A. Sociology
Department of Sociology
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2000- 2003
Principal Investigator
2015- Now, Community integration and Psychological Well-being among Empty Nest Elderly in Rural China. Funded by The National Social Sciences Fund Project of China.
2013-2014, Kinship and Mental Health among Urban Chinese. Funded by The National Social Sciences Fund Project of China.
Sun, Weiwei, The Power of Family: Kinship and Mental Health in Urban China. (in Chinese) Beijing: China Social Science Press.(In press, Expected published in 2014, 7)
Sun, Weiwei, Filial Piety and Eclecticism: An Empirical Study of Providing for the Aged in Urban Chinese. (in Chinese) Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2013. 7.
Journal Articles
Sun, Weiwei. Utilitarianism in Providing for the Aged in Rural China. Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalites: Social Science Edition. 2014, 3. (in Chinese).
Sun, Weiwei. Gender Differences in Health among Chinese civil Servants and Health Intervention Strategies. Chinese Public Administration. 2013, 8. (in Chinese)
Jing, Jun, and Weiwei Sun. A study of the Health Status and Risk Factor among Civil Servants in Seven Chinese Cities. China Public Health. 2013, 6. (in Chinese)
Sun, Weiwei. Review on Study of Health Status and Influence Factors of Civil Servant. Medicine and Society. 2013, 5. (in Chinese)
Zhang, Jie, Weiwei Sun, etc. Reliability and Validity of the CES-D Scale in Two Special Adult Samples from Rural China. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2012 (53): 1243–1251.
Zhang, Jie, Jun Jing, Weiwei Sun, etc. A Sociological Analysis of the Decline in the Suicide Rate in China. Social Sciences in China. 2011, 5 (in Chinese)
Sun, Weiwei. Suicide Ideations among Chinese Youth. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 2011, 25.
Sun, Weiwei. The Effects of Intergenerational Supports on the Elderly’s Mental Health. China Social Security. 2010, 3. (in Chinese)
Sun, Weiwei, Promoting Late Life Psychological Well-being :Community-based Intervention in Rural China. The 2015 Aging in America Conference. Chicago, March, 2015
Sun, Weiwei. Reliability, Validity and Psychometric Properties of CES-D in Rural China. The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) 26th World Congress. Beijing September, 2011.