2019年11月27日,美国德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校Trinidad Morales III老师为我校师生进行人口学讲座,主题是美国退休人口的健康以及生活满意度调查。社会与心理学院人口研究所侯佳伟教授主持,社会与心理学院的人口学硕士研究生、政府管理学院学生、北京外国语大学学生共同参与此系列课程授课。本次活动获得中央财经大学引智项目、青年创新团队项目支持。
Trinidad Morales出生及成长于美国得克萨斯州El Paso市。他有着丰富的教学和研究经验。他曾参与美国健康基金会的“拉美裔女性避孕方式及健康”的研究,也负责过多个学生发展项目的评估。他的研究领域包括犯罪学,种族人口研究,以及研究方法。他目前就职于德州大学El Paso分校(The University of Texas at El Paso)的社会与人类学系。他教学的科目包括社会学概论以及研究方法。同时,他也负责多个国家项目的评估和考察。
The Looming Effect of Retirement on Mental and Physical Well-Being and Life Satisfaction
Nearing retirement may be a stressor for a large segment of the population. Once seen as a positive time in a person’s life (i.e., the Golden Years), in recent years retirement has become a stressful event for most people, mostly due to their lack of preparation for this event. According to a 2010 Pew Research Center Article, 10,000 Baby Boomers retire each day and will continue to do so until 2029 and by 2030 the retired Baby Boomers will constitute 18% of the US population. Also, the typical American aged 65 in the US in 2015 is expected to live until 84 years of age and in 2016, 30% of surveyed Americans aged 55 and over had no retirement savings. Clearly, Americans are financially underprepared for the longest retirement within the largest cohort, compared to previous generations. Utilizing two waves of Midlife in the United States longitudinal data, this study will show how spousal relationships, exercise, and self-efficacy during the years before retirement predicts a healthier (e.g., decrease of stress and mental health disorders) and happier (increase in life satisfaction) retirement.