2019年12月2日,美国德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校Danielle Xiaodan Morales助理教授为我校师生进行人口学讲座,主题是美国亚裔群体以及致癌性空气污染物。社会与心理学院人口研究所侯佳伟教授主持,社会与心理学院的人口学硕士研究生、政府管理学院学生、外国语学院学生共同参与此系列课程授课。本次活动获得中央财经大学引智项目、青年创新团队项目支持。
Danielle Morales于2015年从德州A&M大学(Texas A&M University)获得社会学博士学位,然后在美国国家健康基金会的BUILDing SCHOLARS中心进行了两年的博士后研究。作为一名助理教授,她目前就职于德州大学El Paso分校(The University of Texas at El Paso)的社会与人类学系。Danielle Morales的研究领域包括社会人口学,环境,以及教育。作为一名社会人口学研究者,她对不同人口的居住隔离,进行了大量的研究。在美国,以往的居住隔离的研究都是以种族为核心,而Danielle Morales使用人口普查数据,对美国同性恋群体的地理分布以及居住隔离进行了详细的研究。同时,Danielle Morales及她的研究团队也对美国环境和健康进行了大量研究。特别的,他们关注被以往研究所忽略的群体:性少数群体以及亚裔群体,而他们的研究结果显示,这些被忽视的群体同样也受到致癌性空气污染物的严重影响。
Asian Americans and disproportionate exposure to carcinogenic hazardous air pollutants: A national study
Studies have demonstrated disparate exposures to carcinogenic hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in neighborhoods with high densities of Black and Hispanic residents in the US. Asians are the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the US, yet they have been underemphasized in previous studies of environmental health and injustice. This cross-sectional study investigated possible disparities in residential exposure to carcinogenic HAPs among Asian Americans, including Asian American subgroups in the US (including all 50 states and the District of Columbia, n = 71,208 US census tracts) using National Air Toxics Assessment and US Census data. Multivariate models adjusting for socioeconomic status, population density, urban location, and geographic clustering show that an increase in proportion of Asian residents in census tracts is associated with significantly greater cancer risk from HAPs. Neighborhoods with higher proportions (as opposed to lower proportions) of Chinese, Korean, and South Asian residents have significantly greater cancer risk burdens relative to Whites. Asian Americans experience substantial residential exposure to carcinogenic HAPs in US census tracts and in the US more generally.